Yuewei's Blog :D

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Today's shoot went very well.
The weather was great but a little too hot!
Haha, but I'm glad it didn't rain. :D
Thanks Valerie, Xaiver, MinZhui, Raymond. (I'm not sure if I got all your names correctly.)
Photos are in the process of editing,
Might be getting them as soon as tomorrow.
Will upload them once I get hold of the pics!
Happy! I think I did better for this shoot. :D
& now I'm beat, I need to rest.
HoneyB's playing mahjong in the living room, He just won $150 playing poker last night.
Good luck then dear! I'm too tired to be cheering you on.
I need to sleep first!

I'm numb & I don't know what reaction I shld be having to your actions anymore.


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